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I recently switched to Windows 10 to try out the WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux.

Not only are you able to use terminal, but you can open Wayland and x11 apps natively in Windows. For example, I use the Remmina app within windows.

Also, see: Windows Subsystem for Linux Documentation | Microsoft Learn


Sounds like you’re upbeat about the system. Good news. I’m using windows 10 and often hating it. Like hours spent today with Registry Editor. Microsoft disappoints in so many ways. I so badly wanted diff and grep [1]. Your posting this is tempting me to look into it. Before I burn time on it, I’m curious to know if I can do a core Debian install? Also, since WSL is MSFT, I assume it uninstalls well. Can you confirm by any chance (yeah, I know you’re using it. :slight_smile: )? Oh, almost forgot, have you accessed the windows file system?

  1. Yeah, there’s MSYS and similar, but I prefer the isolation in WSL.

I didn’t know this was possible. Going to have to give this a try. All the programs/apps run smooth on it as well? I will have to boot up my old PC to do this since I wiped Windows off my main PC.

@ Matt: You asked “I’m curious to know if I can do a core Debian install?”
Assuming WSL has a Virtual Machine to it then yes. WSL is supposed (<-note that word) to be it’s own DE. So you can run Linux Programs on Winblows.
Myself I did a Net Install of Debian Testing and it works beautifully. I kept Win 10 for the Wife and in case I need it for remote work.

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Thanks @tmick. Appreciated. After my earlier post, I was thinking VMWARE or VirtualBox, but Registry/other-issues made them unattractive. I’d written off WSL a few years back, but seeing Hayden’s post, and yours, gives me reason to look into it again. I’m thinking since it’s an MSFT product, its supposed (<-note that word :slight_smile: ) install/uninstall cleanly. I’m getting real annoyed with MSFT apps at the moment, and getting Linux in a VM is rising in priority.

I first started using Linux in the late 90s, mainly Mandrake etc. T then drifted to Windows until about 2010 when I finally cracked and returned to Linux. 13 yrs later, I’m now using Archcraft, particularly Bspwm and i3. Although I do have a soft spot for Berry. I have 2 laptops, so concentrate on each WM on a different laptop. Today I’m using i3, so I’ll

include some screen shots.


Welcome to the forums. :handshake:

Our experience seems similar with Linux and Windows. I’m at this moment trying to choose my distro as well for a new desktop :desktop_computer:.

I saw Archcraft Linux, not bad. How do you feel about prebuilt WMs, isn’t it best to start from scratch or considering the time involved do you prefer WMS that are preconfigured?

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It’s always good to learn how to set up a tiling window manager from scratch. But once you’ve done it a couple of times, something like Archcraft is a joy, all the theming done for you. Also, with Archcraft, you can just use the installed theme as a basis for something else, take the theme in a completely new direction. I love it.


Running Fedora Linux 38. I have run Ubuntu and openSUSE Tumbleweed before. I like the philosophy of Fedora but it is just ever so slightly more convenient than openSUSE (although I’m struggling a bit with mesa freeworld from RPMfusion now). I think my first encounter with Linux was around 2014, when I tried Ubuntu and elementaryOS. I only got back into it two years ago, as I got increasingly fed up with Windows. Right now I only run Linux! If I ever had to switch I think I’d go to Debian or openSUSE.


I really love GNOME. I like that you keep it close to default; I’m guessing that helps the upgrades every 6 months to be more seamless.

What is the green check mark in the top right of your screenshot? Is that Fedora updates specific?

I really enjoy default GNOME too - the only extensions I use are AppIndicators, Caffeine, and Rounded Window Corners (I do like a uniform look).

The green checkmark is an tray icon for the Nextcloud sync client, as I have a Nextcloud instance for all my cloud storage/calender/notes.


I use vanilla pop!_os with those exact extensions.


Here are my extensions:

Impatience really makes a difference when using i3 type workspace navigation because, very often AI toggle back and forth between 2 workspaces. The default animation is very slow.

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Very clean setup. GNOME is as close as it gets to a MacOS alternative to me.


What terminal app is that icon to the far right of launch dash?

It’s GNOME Console.

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Ahh, I’m guessing my icon set is just different. :smile:

Do you use a different one then? I am using the stock icons.

Mine is similar looks like this, close enough, no blue:

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I believe that’s GNOME Terminal (confusing, I know). GNOME Console is a modernised version using GTK4 and libadwaita, built from the ground up. It still lacks quite some functionality compared to Terminal.