I3 & XFCE question

That does make sense. You know I have a TV in my office that’s always off. You are right - with a nice long HDMI cable - I can use it for Youtube and LIVE F1 streaming. Especially since my GPU had 4 HDMI outputs.

Didn’t thnk about that, just because its a “TV” lol. But makes total sense.

Also, try terminator.

Alacrity is fast, but I prefer features. I would recommend Alacrity for a Raspberry Pi. :upside_down_face:

Did you end up staying with Mate + i3? It’s worth a try? Your setup looks interesting, but I was holing out for Cosmic desktop from POP!_OS.

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I did and actually like it. The tiling is nice and I find it very useful.


In my setup, I disable the MATE Desktop to get a closer vanilla i3 feel. I just wanted to avoid the hassle of printer setups extra. Looks like a MATE update came out, and the first thing I noticed is that Caja (file browser) has been tied in more to the desktop, so it no longer works for me.

I think I’ll be closely watching COSMIC as well, as I see it maintained in the arch AUR.

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