Fedora 37 outrage over proposal - Thoughts?

So there was a bit of a misunderstanding that happened on social media due to poor journalism (ah, it strikes again!). They had been in the talks of deprecating legacy BIOS support and it was already confirmed to be nothing but a proposal that was already turned out. I saw a number of people freaking out about it and I thought it was true until I looking into it more. I must have missed the bulk of the panic as it seems the waters have calmed since yesterday.

Since it was brought up, do you think they could have benefited from accepting this or do you think they went with the right decision by turning it down?

A lot of Linux users still use legacy and I feel it would have been a mistake for them which is why they shot it down. I do believe there was some consideration but they backtracked it. They would have lost a lot of fans and supports if they did away with it.


Would have for sure been a mistake. Just look at how people reacted to the thought of it happening. I am sure they will eventually depreciate it but it won’t be for several years yet.

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Yeah, that is what I was thinking. I mean I know so many users who still use older programs and software, especially within Linux. It would have made no sense to do this randomly.

It will likely be phased out eventually and I know even if it was yesterday or 10 years from now, not everyone will be happy with the choice but we need to allow things to advance. That is the way I see it anyways.

I already don’t use Fedora (or any EL derivative) much anymore, but that would be the final nail in the coffin for me.


My thoughts exactly @unixdude

When I heard about this, I didn’t think they would go through with it and I am glad I was right but if they did, I would just move on from Fedora. I feel like they would be cutting out a huge part of userbase doing this.


I think most people would be unhappy. I mean from what I have read, a lot of people were VERY upset at the thought of it. Even if they put it off a few more years, they will be doing this against 50% (easily) of their users and supporters.

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