Good tech start-ups worth backing?

I have some money to toss around. Instead of investing in stock (which I had planned originally until I saw the market falling apart), I decided to invest in a few start-ups instead. I am just not sure what is looking promising in 2022 as far as future tech goes.

Do you know any good tech start-ups that you would recommend investing in?

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Before investing, pause and imagine you are the person in control. Ask yourself tough questions.
Is there a market?
Can i do it?
Be thorough. Then, ask yourself if the actual person in charge is up to the job (getting good info can be really hard). If the plan looks good, then invest.
Honestly, investing is a mine field. Even if the plan looks great, so many factors can’t be known, and human behavior is what it is. I’ve found the thought process kind of fun to work through, and it helps when searching for a potential employer or preparing for an interview.


This is really good advice.
But if it was me, I’d wait to invest in anything. Start ups are a no go for me, too many fail by crappy management / vision.

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I have had my eye on Landing AI simply because we have seen such a huge disruption of our supply chains since 2020.

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This is actually a really good point.

I know investing is always a risk, especially if the product sounds amazing but the person in charge is flakey and ends up quitting the project. You end up out of money and let down.